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September, 2023


GSS and Silent Eight fireside chat on the latest in sanctions screening

Reading time: 1 minutes

Tom Scampion, CEO and Co-Founder of Global Screening Services (GSS), recently had an insightful conversation with Martin Markiewicz, CEO of Silent Eight.

GSS partnered with Silent Eight to deliver seamless sanctions screening for the financial services industry. Integration of Silent Eight’s flagship AI technology into the GSS platform has significantly enhanced the accuracy, speed, and effectiveness of international payments screening.

In this fireside chat, Tom and Martin discuss the following topics:

  • The GSS and Silent Eight Partnership
  • The importance of screening standards
  • The challenges with sanctions screening
  • The early years of GSS and transaction screening
  • Sanctions evasion vs sanctions screening
  • Silent Eight’s journey with generative ai
  • The future for GSS

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